"I hope a Free Africa will remember the little I did for the continent. I am a satisfied man because I played my part".
The late Bg. Gen. HASHIM MBITA, 24.8.2014.

1. Introduction

1.1 Rtd Br. Gen MBITA Sleeps Forever

FIVE YEARS ago today, at the Lugalo Military hospital, CAMARADA Rtd. Bg. Gen. HASHIM IDD MBITA chose to sleep forever, after a long illness. Bg. Gen. MBITA did not die, to borrow an English catchphrase, "Soldiers never die, they simply fade away", so, Bg. Gen. MBITA simply faded away on 26.4.2015. The Big Man chose to fade away on the date that Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to create the United Republic of Tanzania. Thus, In my humble view, UNITY is the message he left behind.

1.2 Eulogy for Bg. Gen. MBITA

The then President, Dr. J. KIKWETE stated, after Bg. Gen MBITA had faded away:

"There are very few people who have served the country the way Mzee MBITA has served this nation. He also led the Liberation efforts of our brethren in the Southern African countries for 20 years until they achieved their independence. There is not a freedom fighter in Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe & South Africa who did not know the contribution made by Mzee MBITA . Africa has been robbed of a true son of the African soil. He was a man of his own kind"..

There are certain individuals life and fate make us stumble upon not to learn from them as they breathe, but rather we may marvel at their colossal nature when they are no longer with us. Such is the case with the late Bg. Gen. MBITA.

1.3. Journeying With MBITA

As MZEE WA ATIKALI , I once had the privilege of travelling with the Big Man in the Central Line Train First Class compartment from Dsm to Tabora. This was when I was joining Milambo High School. Though it was a 24 hour journey but it felt like a 2 hour journey! The Big Man told me a lot of stories such as how he was executing his duties crisscrossing the continent to oversee liberation struggles and various challenges he was facing. It was, simply, the best journey of my life!.

The generation knows very little or nothing about this Big Man. Currently, one can hear a story here and there of what this fallen hero did. With the passing of time and if no effort is made towards writing his Big Story, then Bg. Gen. MBITA could be just a smoke that just passed over the sky!.

The Million-dollar question now, is : who is this unique Tanzanian who served his country and continent with honour & distinction?.

2. Early Days & Education

2.1 A Jewel is Born

HASHIM IDD MBITA was born on Thursday, 2.11.1933 at Songoro, Gongoni, Tabora.

2.2 Primary Education

MBITA obtained his primary education at Town Primary School and passed his exams with flying colours.

2.3 Secondary Education

In 1950, MBITA joined the prestigious Tabora Boys Sec school, known for nurturing luminaries for post-independence Government, and completed his studies in 1957.

3. MBITA Joins Cooperatives Dept

In 1957 after finishing school, MBITA joined the Cooperatives Department in Mwanza.


MBITA joined TANU in 1958 and was always a humble party cadre.

5. MBITA Becomes a Journalist

MBITA, thereafter, successfully trained as a journalist.

6. MBITA Joins Ministry of Information

MBITA worked with the Department of Information, Ministry of Information as the Director of Information.

7. MBITA Attends Military Training in the UK

Given Mwalimu NYERERE's overhaul & re-branding of the Army after the 1964 mutiny, MBITA was sent to UK for military training. After his successful completion, he was appointed Political Commissar in the Army.

8. MBITA Becomes Press Secretary

MBITA, thereafter, moved to the State House to become Press Secretary to Mwalimu NYERERE.

9. MBITA Becomes TANU'S Secretary General

In 1970, MBITA was appointed TANU Secretary General.

10. MBITA appointed OAU's Executive Secretary

In 1972, MBITA was appointed Executive Secretary of the OAU Coordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa.

MBITA had to link up and work with the OAU Secretary General and occasionally with the rotating Chairmen.

MBITA mobilized materials and training for the Liberation forces of the remaining countries still under colonial rule, all of whom gained independence during his tenure including Guine-Bissau 1974, Cape Verde 1975, Zimbabwe 1980, Namibia 1990 and South Africa 1994.

As Committee Administrative Chief, MBITA was singularly the person most hated by the likes of IAN SMITH in Rodhesia and F. W De CLERK of South Africa. As such, these regimes considered MBITA the Trouble-maker Numero Uno!. His life was always in great danger and infact several schemes unsuccessfully hatched  to eliminate him.

11. MBITA 1994: Mission Accomplie!

The Liberation Committee closed down in August 1994 with MBITA submitting a Final Report titled "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"!.

At the final meeting of the OAU Liberation Committee in Arusha, Mwalimu JK NYERERE heaped praise on MBITA for his unique and outstanding contribution for liberation of his continent.


A 9-Volume History of the Southern Africa Liberation struggles known as "The HASHIM MBITA PROJECT" was published in 2014 in his honour.

On 30.1.2016, H.E Ex-President ROBERT MUGABE of Zimbabwe, the then outgoing Chairman of SADC & AU, presented "THE HASHIM MBITA PROJECT" to the African Union.

The Publication documents the history of the Liberation struggles in Southern Africa to be accessible to all citizens of the continent.

13. MBITA Appointed Ambassador

Once MBITA was done with the liberation mission, he was assigned to several other tasks including being a diplomat.

Thus, when relations between TZ and Zimbabwe deteriorated over a Tanzanian envoy's stance over Mugabe's farm seizures, MBITA was dispatched by H.E President BEN MKAPA as High Commissioner to smoothen relations. He served as Ambassador from 2003 to 2006.

14. MBITA Sleeps Forever!

That MBITA faded away on 26.4.2015, a day of significant proportions to TZ, is an unblemished indicator of the impact this Big Man had on African politics and its quest for freedom from colonial rule.

15. MBITA Showered with Praises & Awards

MBITA was one of the most influential and respected heroes of African Liberation as his heart belonged not only to TZ, his motherland, but also to Africa. No wonder,  thus, after his departure, he was showered with unprecedented praises & awards:


Zimbabwe awarded MBITA the Highest national honor that could be given to a foreigner:- "THE ROYAL ORDER OF MUNHUMUTAPA" in recognition of his outstanding role, during the SADC Summit at Victoria Falls.

MBITA was represented by his beautiful daughter, Ms SHEILLA MBITA, a BOT employee.

Hon. SIMBARASHE MUMBENGWEGI, Minister for Foreign Affairs stated:

"We in Zimbabwe are glad that Hon. MBITA was able to appreciate this honour although he was not feeling well. His beautiful daughter came to receive the honour".


On 8.12.2015, the then President, H.E President JACOB ZUMA bestowed MBITA with "THE ORDER OF COMPANIONS OF OLIVER TAMBO IN GOLD" during the 2018 National Orders Awards ceremony. He stated the raison d'etre of the Special Award:-

"For his exceptional and gallant support of African Liberation movements and his tireless efforts in ensuring that the struggle for freedom throughout the African continent bore fruits".

15.3 SADC

"This Award is for the important role that Brigadier General Mbita played in regional liberation during his 20 year tenure as the Executive Secretary of the  Liberation Committee of the OAU".

15.4 H.E Ex-President JOACHIM CHISSANO

Former President JOACHIM CHISSANO who was MBITA's close friend and who had once visited and stayed with MBITA in his house in Tabora , for a couple of days, said:

"During his prime, Camarada MBITA was outwardly a good nurtured man, but in the job, he was tough, no nonsense, results demanding, discipline- enforcement army officer. He was a Military Par Excellence".

15.5 H.E Ex-President KENNETH KAUNDA

"Brigadier Hashim Mbita was the Headmaster of Africa Liberation movement's highest school".

15.6 H.E Ex-President SAM NUJOMA

H.E SAM NUJOMA, Namibian founding President, described Brigadier General HASHIM MBITA as "courageous" and  "symbol of freedom from colonialism and occupation" .

15.7 H.E Ex-President JOSEPH KABILA

"The late Brigadier General Mbita was not only a national of his mother country, Tanzania, but also a denizen of the African continent".


In my humble view, Africa has been drowsed with that heavy blanket of sleepness as despite the mushrooming universities in Africa, none has, todate, awarded, posthumously,  the late Brigadier General HASHIM IDD MBITA with an honorary doctorate for his invaluable contribution to Africa.

In TZ, Brigadier General MBITA's story has to be written. As Bongolanders, we should not allow this unique history slip through our fingers!.


Mafunzo ya Ufugaji Bora na Matibabu, Jiunge sasa kwa KUBOFYA HAPA

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